The artwork here has been quite Euro-centric, so I decided
it was time to look at some good old-fashioned American art. Recently Amy over at Kid-Free Living (who is
hilarious and you should go read her blog!) found some gems at the National Gallery in DC, which pointed me in the direction of their
website. A vast trove of materials awaited! The 19th century
seems to have been a golden age for awkward portraiture.
Mrs. Harlow A. Pease – Erastus Salisbury Field, 1837 (Source) |
The 19th century was a period before closets were
invented, so women were forced to wear all of their clothes stuffed into their
sleeves and tied under their skirts.
Unused lace curtains were turned into attractive head and shoulder
Interior Scene - 1840 |
At this time, people had hands and feet a fraction of the
size that they do today. Books were
made in miniature to accommodate tiny fingers.
Also, perspective did not exist yet.
Terribly awkward haircuts for children did exist, however,
along with the child’s resultant seething being immortalized in paint.
“Please can we go now, Mummy? Little Francis Green-Dress wants to take her dollhouse sledding
and teach me how to hover an inch off the ground like she does.”
Charles H. Sisson – Joseph Goodhue Chandler, 1850 |
Little Charles already excelled in the art of beating the
livestock and servants by the age of five.
Plains Indian – J.W. Bradshaw, 19th century |
So I imagine Mr. Bradshaw was trying to show respect in
painting the portrait of this individual.
Unfortunately his face seems to be melting a bit. On the plus side, his portrait later served as inspiration for the Muppet Workshop.
I think the winner for Most Awkward American Portrait this
round, however, goes to Edward Hicks, for his “Portrait of a Child.”
Source |
Yes, that face will haunt you for the rest of the day. You’re welcome!